Thursday, November 20, 2008

Current event for 11/20/08

My article is from It seems that Chinese car makers SAIC and Dongfeng are going to are going to buy the 3 big automakers. The Chinese are cheering for the companies to go bankrupt. MY OPINION: I hop the companies don't go bankrupt, because that will take away a lot of American jobs.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Current Event

My current event was from It was about the government is not going to spend the $700 billion on bad bank assets. They said they are going to put $250 billion in stocks to boost the balance sheets of the banks. This is going to help the banks get back to normal loaning routines. MY THOUGHTS
I think it is a good thing to put that much money to try and help the economy. I dont think it will really help though but, it is a good ides.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Current Event 2

My current event was from It was about how more and more teens are using prepaid "credit cards. Visa has "Visa Buxx" and the American Express has the "Cobalt card". They are cards are directly attached to an account that an adult has made for them. The companies of these cards are targeting kids 13 and older. Credits are saying young teens are not ready for financial responibility. MY OPOION: I think if parents teach their kids how to manage money then these are perfectly fine to have. Also, you cant spend any more then you have in your account so the kids cant go into debt, so its ok to have them.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Current Event

My current event was from it was about the foreclosure went up 71 percent in the third quarter. Nation wide 76600 house received foreclosure notices from July through September. with all the houses getting foreclosed the neighboring properties values go down. Over 250000 houses where repossessed by nationwide lenders. California made up over a quarter of the foreclosures.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Im better than you and you know it